King Arthur Gluten-Free Flour is a great addition to any pantry for baking.
King Arthur Gluten-Free Flour
King Arthur has several flours, including gluten free varieties. The manufacturer has mastered the art of gluten-free flour making. I have used other brands of gluten-free flour, but King Arthur’s really holds up to the science of baking.
This is probably my favorite gluten free multi-purpose or all-purpose flour blend on the market. Baking breads, cookies, or cakes this is my go-to flour to use.
Baking with Eggs
When I started baking with this flour, I still ate chicken eggs, since then, I found out I am allergic to chicken eggs. Shortly after finding out about this food allergy, I learned about duck eggs. Duck eggs are fine for me. Contain more fat than a chicken egg, but that worked well with the gluten-free flour. The extra fat in the duck eggs makes cakes and breads moisture as well as better tasting than the original. Duck eggs, where I live, are expensive (about $1 per egg). You can use an egg substitute to bake with. Be aware that you may need to add butter or oil to your recipe.